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MEDIHERB – Cat’s Claw Forte 60 Tablets


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MediHerb Cat’s Claw Forte utilises a quality Uncaria tomentosa extract standardised to contain 3.8mg of Pentacyclic Oxindole Alkaloids (POAs) per tablet.

Always read the label. Follow the directions for use. If symptoms persist, consult your healthcare professional.

  • Traditionally used in South American medicine to:
    – Help enhance immune system function and improve immunity
    – Relieve inflammation
    – Decrease mild rheumatic aches and pains
    – Reduce symptoms of mild osteoarthritis
  • Antioxidants reduce free radical damage to the cells of the body

Uncaria tomentosa (Cat’s Claw) extract 183 mg
derived from min. stem bark dry 2.2 g
stand. to contain Pentacyclic Oxindole Alkaloids 3.8 mg

  • Adults: 1 tablet 2-3 times daily.


  • Contraindicated in pregnancy and in women wishing to conceive.
  • Not to be used during lactation unless otherwise directed by a qualified healthcare professional.
  • Caution in patients taking immune suppressant medication or protease inhibitors.
  • Increased drug levels (protease inhibitors) have been seen in conjunction with Uncaria tomentosa use.
  • If patient symptoms persist, seek additional professional advice.
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