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BioMedica – Flamstat Spray 20 mL


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 Contains ethanol

Always read the label. Follow the directions for use. If symptoms persist, consult your healthcare professional.

  • A combination of traditional homeopathic remedies and nosodes
  • Complementary to other therapies
Apis mellifica 5 X
Atropa belladonna 5 X
Bryonia alba 5 X
Calcium iodide 12 X
Hepar sulphuricum 12 X
Kalium bichromicum 12 X
Lachesis mutus 12 X
Ferrum phosphoricum 12 X
Mercurius solubilis (Merc sol) 12 X
Infected tonsils 30 X
Ceftazidime 6 C, 12 C
  • 4 – 5 sprays under the tongue every ½ hour up to 4 doses, thereafter 3 – 6 times daily
  • Frequency of dose can be increased during acute conditions


 Contains ethanol

  • Homeopathic product
  • Contains homoeopathic ingredients
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