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Chilblains are a painful sore appearing on the foot or the hand which is caused by exposure to cold

What to look for

  • red, itching on the extremities of the body such as fingers, toes, nose, ears

  • swelling can occur


This condition may be associated with poor circulation.

Traditional Treatments

The best treatment is to avoid getting cold and wet. Try hard not to scratch them.

Alternative/Natural Treatments

Herbal Remedies –  A herbal poultice which may be useful can be made from one part cayenne pepper, one partslippery elm powder and two parts vegetable oil, mixed together and applied morning and night.

A poultice of chickweed is also known to ease the pain of chilblains. Another good herb for chilblains is prickly ash – available as a tincture or in fluid extract.

Try a cup of ginger tea twice a day. Eat garlic or take garlic capsules.

Ginkgo may also be very helpful for this condition.

Aromatherapy – Try black pepper essential oil in a foot bath or diluted in a light base cream.

Dietary Considerations

Eat more fish, fresh fruit and vegetables, fibre, filtered water and get plenty of gentle exercise.

When to seek further professional advice

  • if you are taking any prescribed cardiovascular mediation, speak with your doctor before taking any supplements



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