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Ailments: A-B


Nearly everyone suffers from outbreaks of pimples at some point in life, making acne one of the most common skin disorders. Acne is a skin affliction usually occurring in teenagers, however quite a high percentage of adults do suffer some form of acne symptoms. Acne is characterised by inflammation of

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Adenoid Problems

Adenoids are lymph glands, located at the back of the nose where the air passages join those of the back of the mouth. The lymph system is the body’s defence against infection and the lymph glands (like the adenoids) are full of infection-fighting cells. Any infection breathed in is filtered

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AIDS – Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

Known as Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome AIDS occurs after the immune system has been destroyed by HIV virus. HIV attacks the immune system by killing off the white blood cells in the blood known as the T-Cells. It is these cells that signal to the body’s defence system when an

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Alcohol Abuse

What to look for… The following symptoms are associated with abuse of alcohol: temporary blackouts or memory loss. recurrent arguments or fights with family members or friends. continuing use of alcohol to relax, to cheer up, to sleep, to deal with problems, or to feel “normal”. work, money and family

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An allergy is a sensitivity to a substance which does not normally cause people any problems. What to look for Symptoms generally show up in the part of the body which are exposed to the allergen… Sneezing, wheezing, nasal congestion, and coughing indicate asthma, or drug or respiratory allergies. Itchy eyes, mouth, and throat

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Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer’s disease is a disorder in which there is a progressive decaying of brain tissue. It is characterised by a decline in mental and emotional capabilities. What to look for… mood changes: depression, paranoia, agitation, anxiety, selfishness, childish behaviour. disorientation, confusion, inattention, loss of memory for recent events, inability to retain new information.

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This word literally means ‘no memory’, but for medical purposes it is used to mean a temporary loss of memory. What to look for Symptoms for Amnesia include the following:- confusion, inability to recall current location do not know who familiar people are Causes a severe hit to the head

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Anaemia is a disorder of the blood in which the red blood cells are defective in some way. What to look for weakness, fatigue, and a general feeling of malaise… You may be mildly anaemic. your lips look bluish, your skin is pasty or yellowish, and your gums, nail beds,

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Aneurism is a permanent ballooning in the wall of an artery. The pressure of blood passing through can force part of a weakened artery to bulge outward, forming a thin-skinned blister or sac.  What to look for Although most aneurisms have no symptoms, in some cases the following symptoms may

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Angina can occur when the heart is not getting enough oxygen. This is usually because the blood supply to the heart is blocked or because the heart is being overworked and therefore needs more oxygen than usual. The heart can usually function normally at rest but not when physically exerted.

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Anorexia Nervosa

Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder which based on a terrifying fear of becoming fat. But it is far more complex than a simple desire to lose weight. What to look for significant weight loss. fear of becoming fat, even when emaciated. excessive dieting and exercising distorted body image. abnormal

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Anxiety is a state of being worried about certain real or imagined events or situations. What to look for heart palpitations. tics or twitches recurring headaches or migraine indigestion and bowel irregularity sense of impending doom. inability to concentrate. muscle tension; muscle aches. diarrhoea. chest pain. dry mouth. excessive sweating. undereating or

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This is the inflammation of the appendix which can occur anytime from infancy to old age. What to look for dull pain near the navel or the upper abdomen that becomes sharp as it moves to the lower right abdomen. This is usually the first sign. Also pain in the

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This is an inflammation of the joints and it’s causes are varied. There are two main types of arthritis – rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. What to look for Osteoarthritis – Stiffness and pain when the joint is moved after time the pain becomes continuous. The joints which bear the weight are the

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Asthma is a condition that is caused by inflammation and narrowing of the airways. This results from the contraction of the muscles lining them and causes breathing difficulties particularly in breathing out. What to look for sudden shortness of breath and wheezing and occasionally coughing chest infections nose irritations and sneezing, even hay fever may accompany

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Athletes Foot

This is a fungal infection, usually between the toes or under the arch of the foot. What to look for itching and irritation between the toes, this area may peel and crack. rash and redness in this area; dry, flaking skin on the soles of the feet. unpleasant foot odour.

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Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)

Attention deficit disorder (ADD) is a difficulty in paying attention is the problem which defines this disorder and it is among the most common developmental problems of childhood. What to look for (Bear in mind that attention deficit disorder (ADD) is often misdiagnosed because so many of the symptoms are

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Common Baby Problems

Eczema can quite often occur in babies up to about 4 months of age. It is usually milder than the type that occurs in adults. Your baby’s cheeks become rough and scaly and this can also occur in your child’s eyebrows and hair (cradle cap). If infection sets in, the skin

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Back Problems

What to look for persistent aching or stiffness anywhere along your spine, from the base of the neck to the hips. sharp, localised pain in the neck, upper back, or lower back, especially after lifting heavy objects or engaging in other strenuous activity. chronic ache in the middle or lower

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Bad Breath

Bad breath could be described as an unpleasant odour coming from the mouth region. What to look for a stale, unpleasant odour coming from the mouth. a foul, putrid odour coming through the mouth from the stomach or other internal organs. Bad breath affects most people at some time, however

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Baldness is the loss of hair anywhere on the body, usually on the scalp region. It is usually hereditary and affects men. However females can be affected by baldness also. What to look for thinning of hair in general, however, each hair strand becomes thinner and shorter until the roots

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These are reddened painful skin caused by the loss of blood supply to the skin due to continuous pressure on the affected parts. What to look for a painful and swollen red patch of skin, on any part of the skin which is pressed against something with pressure for a

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Bed Wetting

Usually occurring in children under the age of 6 years who are having difficulties controlling their bladders at night. What to look for It is not abnormal for young children to wet the bed at night – even when they have learnt to use the toilet during the day. However

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Bee Stings

A bite from a bee which in certain individuals can provoke an allergic reaction. What to look for In most cases, a bee or wasp sting causes only minor symptoms such as: pain. swelling and inflammation redness. itching or burning. Swelling can be considerably worse with people who are allergic

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Bites and Stings

Bites and stings can be either poisonous or non-poisonous. The most dangerous Australian animals and insects are the taipan, tiger snake, death adder, the funnel-web and red-back spiders , the blue-ringed octopus, cone shells, stonefish, bullrout, box jellyfish and sting-rays. The bites of most spiders and insects, including mosquitoes, fleas,

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Black Eyes

Black eyes are bruising and swelling around the eye and the eyelid What to look for bruising and swelling of the eyelid and the area around the eye. The bruising may last up to 10 days and changes colour from purple/blue to yellow within that time. Usually this type of

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Bladder Cancer

The bladder is the hollow, muscular organ that lies in the pelvic region. It looks like an upside down pyramid. The bladder stores the urine that is produced in the kidneys. What to look for Bladder cancer may not have symptoms in the beginning, however, later on, symptoms may include: blood

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Bladder Infections

Bladder Infections are an inflammation of the urinary bladder which results in a prickling pain, which quickly becomes a burning, scalding sensation during urination. What to look for a burning sensation when urinating; frequent need to urinate with little result urine with a strong, foul odour and sometimes a dark

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A blister is raised section of skin which is full of a watery substance and is usually caused by aggravated rubbing orburns What to look for one or more bubbles of skin filled with clear fluid, ranging from pinpoint size to more than one-half inch in diameter usually accompanied by

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Blood Clots

Blood Clots are when blood which thickens or masses or lumps together and stops circulation. What to look for Our blood clots as part of a normal, healthy protective process however if any of the symptoms below occur blood clotting may be the cause… Unexpected and remote pain in an

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Blood Poisoning (septicaemia)

Blood poisoning (septicaemia), is a serious secondary infection that occurs when bacteria from an infection in your body go out of control and travel in the bloodstream to other areas of the body. What to look for While recovering from surgery, an infection, or a wound, a person may suffer

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Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is pressure in the arteries as the heart pumps blood around the body. What to look for There are generally no symptoms for high blood pressure as the early stages of hypertension may take a few years to develop A higher than normal blood pressure. Normal for young

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A boil is an infection of a hair follicle What to look for The first stage of a boil is a painful swollen lump filled with pus, usually on the face, neck, buttocks, armpits. A clump of boils is called a carbuncle; a boil on the eyelid is a sty.

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Bone Cancer

Bone Cancer is a hard lump felt on the surface of a bone that may or may not be painful. What To Look For pain or swelling in bones and joints, often more intense at night, and not necessarily associated with movement; the pain may be dull and constant, or

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Brain Tumour

Similar to most cancers, brain tumours do not show symptoms until they attain a certain size. Symptoms include: persistent headaches that get worse over a period of weeks and are often more intense when lying down. vomiting. sudden seizures. changes in personality or mental ability. You may also experience other

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