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Ailments: M-N


Quite a high percentage of early pregnancies miscarry.  It can occur when you do not realize it – you may think your period was abnormally heavy. This is often nature’s way of rejecting an embryo that is abnormal or malformed. Miscarriages are often known as spontaneous abortions and people in medical

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Macular Degeneration

What to look for dim or distorted vision, especially while reading. gradual, painless loss of precise central vision. blank spots in your central field of vision; straight lines that appear wavy. Because the symptoms usually do not appear in people under 55 years of age, the disorder is often referred

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Malaria is an infectious tropical disease spread by mosquitos. What to look for fever – sometimes the only symptom other flu like symptoms such as – headache, fatigue, and nausea. sudden chills and severe shaking. profuse sweating. Malaria is an infectious disease transmitted by mosquitoes. Almost all tropical areas (Asia, Africa and India)

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Manic Depression

This is a condition where the person’s moods swing wildly from elation to severe depression. What to look for Mood swings which are obvious and unexpected characterise this disorder. There are two strongly opposing phases the person swings from: In the manic phase: over-excited and elated euphoria or irritability. excessive

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This is an infectious viral disease, characterised by small red dots that occur all over the body. What to look for There are two stages of this disease. In the first stage, your child will have cold-like symptoms such as runny nose, eyes, and mouth, cough and a husky voice.

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Meningitis is the inflammation and infection of the meninges, the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord. What to look for fever and drowsiness. severe headache usually associated with pain in the eyes. stiff neck, shoulders, or back. severe shooting pain down the back of the neck vomiting. seizures and coma. in

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Menopausal Problems

The time when a woman ceases to ovulate can cause some problems and some uncomfortable symptoms. What to look for hot flushes night sweats. pain during intercourse increased nervousness, anxiety, or irritability. increased need to urinate swollen ankles headaches painful intercourse Menopause refers to the time in a woman’s life

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Menstrual Problems

What to look for Menstruation occurs when an ovary releases an egg, at this time the lining of the uterus grows and becomes flooded with blood. If the egg is not fertilised, the ovary releases progesterone, which causes menstrual flow. This happens every 28 days until interrupted by pregnancy or

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Motion Sickness

This is sickness resulting from the motion of the vehicle in which one is travelling. What to look for sweating, dizziness, drowsiness and nausea while travelling by many forms of transportation Although quite uncomfortable motion sickness is not a dangerous ailment. The symptoms of motion sickness usually subside either once

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Multiple Sclerosis

MS is a condition which affects the central nervous system. What to look for The first attack is generally mild, lasts only a few days, and is followed by a long period of remission perhaps years before the next episode. Symptoms vary considerably. They include: weakness, stiffness, or numbness in one

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Mumps are a very common viral infection that produces fever and swelling of the salivary glands. What to look for swollen, inflamed glands (above the angle of the jaw and occasionally under the tongue) secondary inflammation of the testes, or of the ovaries or pancreas (adults and teenagers) It is

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Muscle Cramps

These are spasms or tight muscles. Usually in the legs. What to look for a sharp, sudden, painful spasm (or tightening) of a muscle, especially in the legs. muscle hardness twitching of the muscle persistent cramping pains in lower abdominal muscles Sometimes occurring when a muscle contracts with great intensity

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Nappy Rash

Nappy Rash is the inflammation of the skin around the nappy area. What to look for a burn-like red rash over the nappy area if not treated, the rash can become infected and thrush sets in – the rash will become shiny and bright red with patches. in boys, an

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Nicotine Withdrawal

Stopping inhalation of nicotine (which is the addictive substance in tobacco) causes discomfort and physical side effects in most people. What to look for Withdrawal symptoms in cigarette users include the following; headache. nausea. constipation or diarrhoea. falling heart rate and blood pressure. fatigue, drowsiness, and insomnia. irritability. difficulty concentrating. anxiety. depression. increased

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