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Ailments: G-H


Gallstones are hard, round lumps of solid material usually composed of either cholesterol or bile. What to look for severe pain indigestion. fever. severe nausea and vomiting. jaundice. Gallstones develop in the gall bladder (a small, organ that stores bile which a digestive juice produced by the liver. The stones

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This is inflammation of the lining of the stomach. What to look for Some people do not have symptoms but if they do the symptoms are usually:- upper abdominal pain. nausea. vomiting. diarrhoea. loss of appetite. Gastritis is a general medical term for inflammation of the stomach lining. Attacks of

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Genital Herpes

Genital Herpes is a highly contagious, sexually transmitted disease caused by a viral infection. What to look for numbness, tingling, itching or burning in the genitals. burning sensation while urinating or having intercourse. painful or frequent urination watery blisters in the genital area. This is a very common and highly contagious sexually

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Genital Warts

What to look for painless flesh-coloured or white growths on the vulva, anus, or penis that may develop a cauliflower-like appearance. growths that are itchy or mildly sore. sometimes there are no symptoms Women who are pregnant and people with weak immune systems are more susceptible to this infection. Genital

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German Measles

A common mild viral infection which occurs mainly in children. What to look for A child with German measles may not look or act sick, but symptoms may include: swollen glands. rash on the face and the neck; it spreads to the trunk and limbs loss of appetite, irritability, loss

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This is a condition where the pressure of the fluid in the eyeball builds up. What to look for Teary, aching eyes, blurred vision, occasional headaches. A sudden onset of severe throbbing pain, headaches, blurred vision, redness in the eye, dilated pupils, and sometimes nausea and vomiting. In infants, teary or

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Goiter is an enlargement of the thyroid gland in the front of the neck. Associated with the overproduction or underproduction of thyroid hormones. What to look for swelling at the base of the neck If you have an overactive thyroid gland, you may also experience weight loss despite an increased appetite, an

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Gonorrhoea is a bacterial infection of the genito-urinary tract and, occasionally, the rectum, pharynx, and eyes. What to look for a puslike discharge that may be yellowish, cloudy, green, white, or bloodstained. frequent need to urinate and burning while urinating. severe pelvic and lower abdominal pain. constant urge to move bowels

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Gout is the inflammation of the joints caused by too much uric acid in the system What to look for sudden, intense pain in a joint usually the big toe swelling, inflammation, and a feeling that the joint is very hot. usually strikes unexpectedly and may recur Without warning and,

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Groin Strain

This is a strain in the groin area of the body (where the torso meets the legs). What to look for pain and stiffness in the groin region By definition, the groin is where your torso joins your legs. It is a place where a lot of body movement takes

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Hair Loss

What to look for in men, thinning hair on the scalp, a receding hairline. in women, thinning of hair in general, but mainly at the crown. in children or young adults, sudden loss of patches of hair; known as alopecia areata (this also can occur in adults). complete loss of all hair

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Hamstring muscles allow you to flex your knees and bend your legs. What to look for sharp pain in the back of the thigh, during or immediately after sports or other strenuous activity which causes problems in walking, sitting or any other activity. swelling. All your movements rely on these

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A hangover occurs as a result of consuming too much alcohol – your body becomes dehydrated. What to look for headache, nausea, dizziness, irritability, thirst, and fatigue – usually on awakening. in some cases, tension, paleness, tremor, vomiting, heartburn, unsteady gait, and loss of appetite. Causes A hangover is usually

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Hay Fever

Hay Fever results from an allergy to inhaled dusts – usually grass pollen. What to look for Attacks, often seasonal, of: sneezing itchy, painful nose, throat. nasal and sinus discharge. stuffy, runny nose. coughing watery, itchy eyes. head and nasal congestion. Hay fever is an immune disorder characterised by an

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What to look for If your headache is: a dull, steady pain that feels like a band tightening around your head, you have a tension headache. throbbing, begins on one side, and causes nausea, you have a migraine. a throbbing pain around one red, watery eye, with nasal congestion on

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Hearing Problems

What to look for an inability to hear or distinguish some or all sounds in one or both ears. a need to turn up the volume on the television or radio louder than other people find comfortable. Hearing problems are sometimes accompanied by dizziness, earache, discharge or bleeding from the

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Heart Attack

A Heart Attack happens when something has blocked the flow of blood into your heart, and a part of your heart has died. What to look for a dull or heavy pain in the centre of the chest breathlessness, dizziness, nausea, chills, sweating, weak pulse. cold and clammy skin, grey

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Heart Disease

What to look for tight, suffocating chest pain, often associated with angina and heart attack. sensations of fluttering, thumping, pounding, or racing of the heart, known as palpitations. shortness of breath. fluid retention in the legs, ankles, abdomen, lungs, or heart. light headedness, weakness, dizziness, or fainting spells. Please be aware that

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Heartburn is a burning sensation experienced under your breastbone after you’ve eaten something that may not have agreed with you. What to look for a burning feeling in the chest just behind the breastbone (the sternum) that occurs after eating and lasts a few minutes to several hours. chest pain,

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Hemorrhoids resemble varicose veins located on the rectum. What to look for bright red anal bleeding tenderness or pain during bowel movements. painful swelling or a lump near the anus. anal itching. a mucous anal discharge. Hemorrhoids are varicose veins of the rectum however, because they are situated in such

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Hepatitis is a highly contagious viral disease, involving inflammation of the liver. What to look for Many cases of hepatitis go undiagnosed because the disease is mistaken for the flu or because there are no symptoms at all. loss of appetite. fatigue. rash mild fever. muscle or joint aches. nausea

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This is a protrusion through a weakness in the abdominal wall. It can be either external or internal. What to look for swelling in the abdomen or groin. a heavy feeling in the abdomen that is sometimes accompanied by constipation. discomfort in the abdomen or groin when lifting or bending

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A common condition which involves short, involuntary intakes of breath. What to look for repeated, involuntary short intakes of breath. Hiccups (involuntary spasms of the diaphragm) are usually a minor annoyance and last only for a short time. They can affect anyone, and most pregnant women will tell you that

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This is raised, itchy, red, welts on the skin which may take on many shapes and sizes. What to look for raised, whitish, welts of various sizes, surrounded by a red rash. burning below the skin Hives can be quite irritating as they are usually itchy and last from a

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This is a condition where there is too little sugar in the bloodstream. Also See Diabetes What to look for weakness. sweating hunger. nervousness. dizziness. trembling. heavy or cold perspiration. tingling in hands and feet. For diabetics, symptoms might also include: headache. nausea. rapid heartbeat. confusion, muddled feeling suggesting drunkenness.

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Gum Problems

What to look for bleeding gums swollen, red gums. pain, loose teeth, and bad breath, which suggest periodontitis. extremely painful, inflamed gums coated with a gray-white mucus; The typical ‘western’ diet which is high in sugars and refined foods has caused gum problems to flourish. However, with the onset of

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